12 September 2009

forwards is better than backwards (or is it?)

Today I read something that said "why is it easier to go backwards than forwards?"
I wonder the same thing maybe because I am guilty with this in some sense.

Sometimes I want to move on in life & do new things & new people -cough-.
I hesitate though & without thinking I go backwards afraid to go forward.

Like a mom pushing the child on a first bike ride.
"Go ahead go you can do it." I mean what's the worst right?

Maybe it is easier because we know what's in the past, been there done that kind of deal. We kind of already know what is capable of happening.

The future lies ahead of us going forwards is new to use we don't know what will happen, or how it'll end.
Maybe it won't work & then that's when the "I told you so" comes in or the people of the past with think of you as a failure b/c you went forwards.


You may just go forwards and it will be GREAT. Mad that you didn't go forwards sooner. Mad that you could have spent more hours of your precious life enjoying this moment but NO you were being stubborn.

Will you practice going forwards?

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